Finally, what skill(s) do you believe should be taught in schools?

Some important skills that I believe should be taught in schools include:

1. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: These skills are essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world and finding creative solutions to challenges.

2. Financial literacy: This includes understanding how to manage money, budget effectively, and make informed financial decisions.

3. Emotional intelligence: Teaching students how to recognize and manage their emotions, build healthy relationships, and communicate effectively can help them navigate social situations and succeed in their personal and professional lives.

4. Digital literacy: With technology playing an increasingly important role in our lives, it is essential for students to learn how to use digital tools responsibly and effectively.

5. Conflict resolution and communication skills: Teaching students how to resolve conflicts peacefully and communicate effectively can help them build stronger relationships and avoid misunderstandings.

6. Life skills: This includes practical skills such as cooking, gardening, basic first aid, and time management, which are essential for everyday life.

Overall, providing a well-rounded education that includes both academic knowledge and practical life skills can better prepare students for success in the future.