Find the volume of the given cylinder.

6 yd r
24 yd h

2.713 yd^3
904 yd^3
490 yd^3
1,017 yd^3

The volume of a cylinder is calculated using the formula V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height.

r = 6 yards
h = 24 yards

V = π(6^2)(24)
V = π(36)(24)
V = 864π

Approximating π to be 3.14159, we get:
V ≈ 864 * 3.14159
V ≈ 2709.43296 yards^3

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 2,709.43 yards^3. None of the provided options match exactly, but the closest one is 2,713 yd^3.