How to keep my house clean and aesthiec?

1. Establish a daily cleaning routine: Make a habit of tidying up every day to prevent dirt and clutter from building up.

2. Declutter regularly: Get rid of items you no longer need or use to create more space and make cleaning easier.

3. Use storage solutions: Invest in storage bins, shelves, and furniture with built-in storage to keep items organized and out of sight.

4. Clean as you go: Wipe down surfaces, wash dishes, and put away items immediately after use to prevent messes from accumulating.

5. Deep clean regularly: Schedule time to clean bathrooms, kitchen appliances, and other areas that may require more attention on a weekly or monthly basis.

6. Invest in quality cleaning tools: Purchase high-quality cleaning supplies and tools to make the cleaning process more efficient and effective.

7. Decorate with intention: Choose decor items that complement each other and create a cohesive aesthetic for your home.

8. Incorporate greenery: Adding plants to your home can improve air quality and bring a touch of nature into your space.

9. Keep things simple: Avoid cluttering your home with unnecessary decorations or furniture. Stick to a minimalistic approach to create a clean and stylish look.

10. Involve the whole family: Encourage everyone in the household to help with cleaning and tidying up to maintain a clean and aesthetically pleasing home.