Owen had 4 inches of snow on his lawn. It then began to snow at a rate of 1.5 inches per hour. Assume no snow melted. Answer the questions below regarding the relationship between the number of hours since snow began falling and the total amount of snow on Owen's lawn.

1. Write an equation to represent the total amount of snow on Owen's lawn after x hours of snowfall.

Total snow on Owen's lawn = 4 + 1.5x

2. How much snow will be on Owen's lawn after 3 hours of snowfall?

Total snow on Owen's lawn after 3 hours = 4 + 1.5(3) = 4 + 4.5 = 8.5 inches

3. How long will it take for Owen's lawn to have 10 inches of snow?

10 = 4 + 1.5x
6 = 1.5x
x = 4 hours

It will take 4 hours for Owen's lawn to have 10 inches of snow.