Which statement describes how geography influence the culture developed of south east Asia

The geography of Southeast Asia, characterized by its diverse landscapes of mountains, rivers, jungles, and islands, has influenced the development of the region's culture in various ways. One key aspect is the interconnectedness of the different peoples and cultures in the region, facilitated by trade routes along rivers and coastlines. This has led to the exchange of ideas, goods, and cultural practices, resulting in a rich and diverse cultural heritage in Southeast Asia. Additionally, the geography has also shaped the way people interact with their environment, influencing their livelihoods, traditions, and beliefs. For example, the abundance of water resources in the region has led to the development of fishing and agriculture as primary sources of sustenance, which in turn has influenced the cultural practices and beliefs related to these industries. Overall, the geography of Southeast Asia has played a significant role in shaping the culture of the region, leading to a unique blend of traditions, customs, and beliefs that reflect the diversity and interconnectedness of the peoples in the region.