What is dialogue?

Personality traits of characters
Action described by the narrator
Words spoken by characters
Setting described by the narrator

Dialogue is words spoken by characters in a story or play. It is an essential element of storytelling as it allows characters to interact with each other, reveal their thoughts and emotions, and move the plot forward.

Personality traits of characters can also be revealed through dialogue, as the way characters speak, the words they choose, and the tone they use can give insight into their personality. For example, a character who speaks loudly and confidently may be seen as assertive and confident, while a character who speaks softly and hesitantly may be seen as insecure or shy.

In addition to revealing characters' personalities, dialogue can also convey action described by the narrator. Rather than simply telling the reader what is happening, dialogue can show characters interacting with each other and reacting to events in real time.

The setting of a story may also be described by the narrator, but typically not through dialogue. Instead, the setting is usually established through descriptions of the physical environment, such as the time of day, the weather, and the location of the characters. This helps to create a vivid and immersive world for the reader to experience.