he story says:

The deadbolt clunked into place as his mother locked their apartment door. Lucas reached for the keys, but she dropped them into the pocket of her purple Goodwill coat. Theoretically, she was teaching him to drive, however she could almost always think of a reason to postpone a lesson—rush hour, darkness, road construction, or a statistical chance of some kind of non-ideal weather.

What does this passage reveal about the conflict between Lucas and his mother at the beginning of the story?

Lucas's mother wants to teach him to drive, but he is resistant to the idea of learning.
Lucas wants to get more practice driving, but his mother is already confident in his ability.
Lucas's mother feels her son should take on more adult responsibility, but he is unwilling to accept it.
Lucas feels ready to take on more adult responsibility, but his mother is reluctant to give it to him.

The passage reveals that Lucas's mother feels her son should take on more adult responsibility, but he is unwilling to accept it. She is trying to teach him to drive, which is a step towards independence and adulthood, but he is resistant to the idea of learning. This sets up a conflict between them as she tries to push him towards taking on more responsibility, while he is not ready or willing to do so.