
Ni’Kieylah uses 3 cups of sugar for every 2 teaspoons of baking soda to make a batch of cookies.  Which proportion could be solved to find x, the number of teaspoons of baking soda needed for 9 cups of sugar?

To find the proportion to solve for x, we can use the given ratio that Ni’Kieylah uses 3 cups of sugar for every 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

Let x be the number of teaspoons of baking soda needed for 9 cups of sugar.

Setting up the proportion:

3 cups sugar / 2 teaspoons baking soda = 9 cups sugar / x teaspoons baking soda

Solving for x:

3/2 = 9/x

Cross multiplying:

3x = 18

Dividing by 3:

x = 6

Therefore, Ni’Kieylah would need 6 teaspoons of baking soda for 9 cups of sugar.