The Amur leopard is found in forest habitat, which has a wide range of temperatures and precipitation. It can adapt to almost any habitat that provides it with enough food and shelter. The main prey species are deer, wild boars, rabbits, badgers and raccoons. The habitat of the Amur leopard has been reduced to a fraction of its original range and today the last remaining wild population is estimated at 57 individuals living in a very small area. Which of the following would help to increase the population of Amur Leopards?

1. Habitat protection: Protecting the remaining habitat of Amur leopards from deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and human encroachment would help provide them with the necessary resources to survive and reproduce.

2. Anti-poaching efforts: Implementing strict anti-poaching measures to combat illegal hunting and poaching of Amur leopards for their fur or body parts would help reduce human-induced threats to their population.

3. Conservation breeding programs: Establishing and supporting conservation breeding programs for Amur leopards in captivity to increase their population and genetic diversity, with the ultimate goal of reintroducing them into the wild.

4. Community involvement: Involving local communities in conservation efforts through education, awareness campaigns, and sustainable livelihood programs can help reduce human-wildlife conflicts and promote coexistence with Amur leopards.

5. International cooperation: Collaborating with other countries and organizations to coordinate and implement conservation efforts for Amur leopards, as their habitat spans multiple countries, would help ensure the survival of this critically endangered species.