simplify this information into 2 sentence

The push for African American to have the right to vote without discrimination and intimidation
African-Americans should not be allowed to vote
Brought attention to the issue of voting rights for African-Americans leading to passage of the voting rights act of 1965, granting equal voting rights to all races.
The push for African-Americans to have the right to vote without discrimination led to the passing of the voting rights act of 1965
Jimmie Lee Jackson was shot and killed by a state trooper
the ongoing suppression of voting rights for African-Americans in the state
Police began attacking nonviolent protesters in response to Marches which then killed Jimmie Lee Jackson causing African protesters to want to do more.
A state trooper shot and killed Jimmie Lee Jackson, sparking a desire among African American protesters to take further action against the ongoing suppression of voting rights

The push for African-Americans to have equal voting rights led to the passing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, following the shooting of Jimmie Lee Jackson by a state trooper which sparked further action by African American protesters.