The government attempted to fix the problems in the Texas economy when the Great Depression led to a decline in demand for Texas agricultural products. Many farmers left their jobs to find employment in the cities and the field of agriculture needed help.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced his New Deal program in 1933 to help America rebuild the economy.
The New Deal program also included agricultural policies that brought about changes to help Texas_____________.

farmers recover from the economic crisis and stabilize the agricultural industry.

Some of the measures introduced through the New Deal for agriculture included price supports, subsidies, and farm aid programs. These initiatives aimed to stabilize crop prices, provide financial assistance to struggling farmers, and improve rural infrastructure. Additionally, the New Deal created programs like the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) that provided employment opportunities and resources to farmers in need.

Overall, the New Deal program played a significant role in helping Texas farmers overcome the challenges brought about by the Great Depression and regain stability in the agricultural sector.

fill in the blank

economy diversify and modernize to become more resilient to future economic downturns.