Cell phone Company A charges a one-time activation fee of $23.75, plus an additional monthly fee of $24.25, plus $0.05 per minute for calls. Cell phone Company B charges a monthly fee of $29, plus $0.10 per minute for calls. After how many minutes of calls would the cost for each company be the same for the first month?

Let x be the number of minutes of calls in the first month.

For Company A, the cost would be:
$23.75 (activation fee) + $24.25 (monthly fee) + $0.05x (per minute charges)

For Company B, the cost would be:
$29 (monthly fee) + $0.10x (per minute charges)

Setting the costs equal to each other:
$23.75 + $24.25 + $0.05x = $29 + $0.10x
$48 + $0.05x = $29 + $0.10x
$19 = $0.05x
x = $19 / $0.05
x = 380

After 380 minutes of calls, the cost for both companies would be the same for the first month.