How has the caste system changed in India and Pakistan?

It faded from existence as societies became less religious.
Caste-based discrimination has been outlawed.
Women can now belong to the highest castes.
There are now only three castes instead of five.

Modernization, urbanization, and globalization have led to more diverse and interconnected societies, breaking down traditional barriers and hierarchies based on caste. With the spread of education and awareness, people are more likely to challenge and question the validity and fairness of the caste system.

In both India and Pakistan, legislation has been enacted to prohibit discrimination based on caste. In India, the Constitution of India explicitly prohibits discrimination on the basis of caste, and various laws have been passed to address caste-based discrimination and provide affirmative action for lower castes. In Pakistan, the Constitution also prohibits discrimination on the basis of caste or social status.

In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards equality and social justice, leading to increased opportunities for individuals to rise above their caste origins. This has resulted in more people, including women, being able to access education, employment, and other opportunities regardless of their caste background.

While the traditional caste system may still exist in some form in certain regions or communities, overall there has been a gradual shift towards a more inclusive and egalitarian society in both India and Pakistan. The rigid hierarchy of the past has been gradually replaced by a more fluid social structure where individuals have the opportunity to pursue their aspirations and ambitions without being constrained by their caste background.