how to list reference someone i spoke to in person( Xilaveko Election Hlungwani)

When listing a reference for someone you spoke to in person, such as Xilaveko Election Hlungwani, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by stating the full name of the person you are referencing - in this case, Xilaveko Election Hlungwani.

2. Mention the context in which you spoke to them, for example, "I had a face-to-face meeting with Xilaveko Election Hlungwani on [date/month/year]...".

3. Include any pertinent details about the conversation or interaction you had with them, such as the topics discussed or any key points of information shared.

4. Provide any relevant contact information for Xilaveko Election Hlungwani, such as their email address or phone number, if applicable.

5. Conclude by expressing that you would be happy to provide further information or clarification, if needed.

Overall, it's important to ensure that your reference accurately reflects the nature of your conversation with Xilaveko Election Hlungwani and highlights any relevant information that may be useful to the recipient.