What could NASA do if an asteroid was headed towards earth?

If an asteroid was heading towards Earth, NASA would likely take the following steps to mitigate the potential threat:

1. Detect and track the asteroid: NASA would use telescopes and other monitoring systems to detect and track the asteroid's trajectory, size, speed, and composition.

2. Analyze the potential impact: NASA would analyze the potential impact of the asteroid, including its size, speed, and potential damage it could cause upon impact.

3. Develop a risk assessment: Based on the analysis, NASA would develop a risk assessment to determine the likelihood of impact and potential consequences.

4. Formulate a response plan: NASA would formulate a response plan based on the risk assessment, which could include various options such as deflecting the asteroid's path, evacuating impacted areas, or other measures.

5. Collaborate with international partners: NASA would collaborate with international space agencies, organizations, and experts to coordinate a response plan and share information and resources.

6. Implement a mitigation strategy: Depending on the risk assessment and response plan, NASA would implement a mitigation strategy to deflect the asteroid's path, if possible, or take other measures to minimize the impact on Earth.

Overall, NASA would work diligently to address the potential threat of an asteroid heading towards Earth and protect the planet and its inhabitants to the best of their ability.