What type of application that can earn money ?

There are several types of applications that can earn money such as:

1. E-commerce apps: Apps that allow users to buy and sell products online can earn money through commission fees, premium features, or sponsored listings.

2. Gaming apps: Gaming apps can generate revenue through in-app purchases, advertisements, and subscriptions.

3. Subscription-based apps: Apps that offer premium content or features can earn money through monthly or yearly subscription fees.

4. Social networking apps: Social networking apps can earn money through advertisements, sponsored content, and premium features.

5. Productivity apps: Productivity apps can earn money through premium features, in-app purchases, and subscriptions.

6. Fitness apps: Fitness apps can earn money through premium features, subscriptions, and partnerships with fitness brands.

7. Education apps: Education apps can earn money through in-app purchases, subscriptions, and partnerships with educational institutions.

Overall, the key to earning money with an app is to provide value to users and offer compelling features that they are willing to pay for.