Use the story from JK Rowling's book Harry Potter to answer the question Harry Potter learns from hagrid that he is a wizard so he must leave his aunt and uncle's home to stay study magic at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and which which step in the heroes journey does this represent a hero is tested and then goes through a transformation of time the hero gets a call to action and goes from the known world to the unknown world hero weeks and gets trained by a mentor the hero returns to the known world with new

knowledge and skills or the hero faces a final challenge and ultimately achieves victory.

This represents the step in the hero's journey where the hero gets a call to action and goes from the known world to the unknown world. Harry Potter is called to action when he learns he is a wizard and must leave his mundane life with the Dursleys in order to study magic at Hogwarts. He is entering a completely new and unknown world where he will face many challenges and ultimately undergo a transformation as he learns and grows as a wizard.