Alang has a bag that contains pineapple chews, strawberry chews, and lime chews. He performs an experiment. Alang randomly removes a chew from the bag, records the result, and returns the chew to the bag. Alang performs the experiment 26 times. The results are shown below:

A pineapple chew was selected 20 times.
A strawberry chew was selected 4 times.
A lime chew was selected 2 times.

Based on these results, express the probability that the next chew Alang removes from the bag will be lime chew as a fraction in simplest form.

The total number of chews selected in the experiment is 20 + 4 + 2 = 26 chews.

The probability that the next chew Alang removes from the bag will be a lime chew is 2/26 = 1/13.