ground water will increase ?

There is a prolonged drought

it is the hottest summer on record

a very cold winter led to lots of snow piled high on mountains

massive deforestation has taken place

It is difficult to predict with certainty how each of these factors individually will affect groundwater levels, as they can have varying and sometimes conflicting impacts.

In the case of a prolonged drought, groundwater levels are likely to decrease due to lack of precipitation and increased demand for water.

The hottest summer on record could also lead to decreased groundwater levels through increased evaporation and water use for cooling purposes.

A very cold winter with lots of snow piled high on mountains can have a positive effect on groundwater levels by replenishing water sources when the snow melts and gradually seeps into the ground.

Massive deforestation, on the other hand, can have a negative impact on groundwater levels by reducing the ability of trees to absorb and store water, leading to increased runoff and reduced infiltration into the soil.

Overall, the combined effects of these factors on groundwater levels will depend on the specific conditions and interactions between them.