Southwest Asia Pretest

1. What is the term for the region that includes countries such as Turkey, Iran, and Iraq?

a) Middle East
b) South Asia
c) Central Asia
d) Far East

Correct answer: a) Middle East

2. Which country is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia?

a) Turkey
b) Saudi Arabia
c) Israel
d) Iran

Correct answer: a) Turkey

3. What is the capital city of Iran?

a) Baghdad
b) Riyadh
c) Tehran
d) Damascus

Correct answer: c) Tehran

4. What is the dominant religion in Saudi Arabia?

a) Christianity
b) Judaism
c) Islam
d) Hinduism

Correct answer: c) Islam

5. Which body of water lies to the west of the Arabian Peninsula?

a) Red Sea
b) Persian Gulf
c) Indian Ocean
d) Mediterranean Sea

Correct answer: a) Red Sea

6. What is the most important natural resource in Southwest Asia?

a) Oil
b) Gold
c) Water
d) Timber

Correct answer: a) Oil

7. Which country in Southwest Asia has a predominantly Kurdish population?

a) Turkey
b) Iran
c) Iraq
d) Saudi Arabia

Correct answer: a) Turkey

8. What is the name of the holy city for the Islamic faith located in Saudi Arabia?

a) Mecca
b) Medina
c) Jerusalem
d) Baghdad

Correct answer: a) Mecca

9. Which country in Southwest Asia has a Shia majority population?

a) Saudi Arabia
b) Iran
c) Turkey
d) Israel

Correct answer: b) Iran

10. What is the capital city of Israel?

a) Jerusalem
b) Tel Aviv
c) Haifa
d) Amman

Correct answer: a) Jerusalem