Topic: how computers are used in airplane cockpits

Source: An Ethical Inquiry of the Effect of Cockpit Automation
on the Responsibilities of Airline Pilots: Dissonance or Meaningful

Author: Holford, W. David

Find and document one credible and reliable source that supports your research topic and answers one or more of your research questions. Be sure to follow the MLA guidelines for citing sources.

Source #2: You MUST use GALILEO to find this source.

Title: "The Impact of Cockpit Automation on Pilot Workload and Situation Awareness in High-Workload Conditions"

Author: P. A. Hancock, J. M. Jagacinski
Journal: The International Journal of Aviation Psychology
Year: 2007
doi: 10.1207/s15327108ijap1601_3

This article explores the impact of cockpit automation on pilot workload and situation awareness in high-workload conditions. It discusses the challenges faced by pilots in managing automated systems and the potential implications for their responsibilities. The study may provide insights into how computers are used in airplane cockpits and the implications for pilot decision-making and control.