Jimmy Carter in Politics (governor, senator, and president)

Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

What happened? Summarize the event!

Where did the event take place?

When did the event take place?

Why is this event important to Georgia’s history?

- People involved: Jimmy Carter, various political figures, Georgia residents

- Groups involved: Democratic Party, Republican Party

- What happened: Jimmy Carter served as the 76th Governor of Georgia from 1971 to 1975. He then went on to become a senator and eventually the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. As governor, Carter implemented various reforms and initiatives, such as streamlined government, balanced the state budget, and fostered racial integration. As president, Carter focused on human rights, social welfare programs, and energy conservation.

- Where: The events took place in Georgia, Washington D.C., and on the national stage.

- When: Carter's political career spanned from the early 1970s to the early 1980s.

- Why it is important to Georgia's history: Jimmy Carter's political career is important to Georgia's history as he was the first Georgian to be elected president. His time as governor and president had a lasting impact on the state and the nation, with his policies and initiatives shaping governmental operations and priorities during his time in office. Additionally, Carter's presidency brought international attention to Georgia and his hometown of Plains, Georgia.