Smartphones connect to the internet wirelessly. When you send a text from your phone, the phone must first convert the information in the text into radio waves. The phone then sends these radio waves wirelessly to a nearby receiver that is connected to the internet. Describe the analog/digital conversion that occurs when you send a text. Be sure to include the definitions of both terms. (4 points)

Analog-to-digital conversion is the process of taking an analog signal, such as the information in a text message, and converting it into a digital signal that can be transmitted and processed by digital devices. In the case of sending a text from a smartphone, the phone converts the characters in the text message into binary code, which is a series of 0s and 1s that represent the characters. This digital signal is then modulated onto a carrier wave to create radio waves that can be transmitted wirelessly.

Digital-to-analog conversion, on the other hand, is the reverse process of taking a digital signal and converting it back into an analog signal. In the context of sending a text message, the receiver connected to the internet performs digital-to-analog conversion to translate the incoming radio waves back into the original text message that can be displayed on the recipient's device.

Overall, the analog-to-digital conversion process allows for the transmission of information from smartphones to internet-connected devices wirelessly, enabling communication over long distances without the need for physical connections.