Great Depression
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
imperial presidency
line-item veto
nuclear football
pocket veto
pork barrel project
presidential veto
special session
State of the Union address
veto message
War Powers Act

Amnesty: A pardon granted to a group of people who have committed a specific crime or offense.

Appropriations: The act of setting aside funds for a specific purpose by a legislative body.

Commander-in-chief: The highest-ranking officer of a military organization, typically the President in the United States.

Commutation: The reduction of a criminal sentence, typically from a longer prison term to a shorter one.

Great Depression: A severe economic downturn that lasted from 1929 to the late 1930s, marked by high unemployment and widespread poverty.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: A Congressional resolution passed in 1964 that authorized the escalation of US military involvement in Vietnam.

Imperial presidency: A term used to describe a presidency with excessive power and influence over other branches of government.

Line-item veto: The power of a government executive to reject specific provisions of a bill without vetoing the entire bill.

Nuclear football: A briefcase carried by the President's military aide containing the codes needed to launch a nuclear strike.

Override: A legislative process that allows a bill to become law despite a presidential veto, typically requiring a two-thirds majority vote.

Pardon: The act of forgiving a person for a crime and eliminating their punishment.

Pocket veto: An indirect veto of a bill by the President holding it in their pocket (not signing or vetoing it) until Congress adjourns.

Pork barrel project: Government spending that benefits a specific constituency or region and is often criticized for being wasteful.

Presidential veto: The power of the President to reject legislation passed by Congress.

Reprieve: A temporary delay or suspension of a punishment, typically a death sentence.

Rider: A provision attached to a legislative bill that is not directly related to the main issue.

Special session: A meeting of a legislative body called outside of its normal schedule to address specific issues or emergencies.

State of the Union address: An annual speech delivered by the President to Congress, outlining the administration's policy agenda.

Veto message: A statement issued by the President explaining the reasons for vetoing a bill.

War Powers Act: A federal law passed in 1973 limiting the President's ability to commit US forces to military action without congressional approval.