What did you enjoy the most about working on your infographic and why? If you have not completed this yet, talk about what you THINK you would enjoy and why.

One thing I enjoyed the most about working on my infographic was the creative aspect of designing and visualizing information in a visually appealing way. I liked brainstorming different ideas on how to present the data effectively and make it interesting for the audience. Additionally, I found it satisfying to see the final product come together and see how the different elements of the infographic worked together to convey the message.

If I have not completed the infographic yet, I think I would enjoy the process of research and gathering data to support my ideas. I enjoy learning new information and digging deep into a topic to find relevant and compelling data to include in the infographic. I also think I would enjoy the challenge of organizing and presenting the information in a clear and concise way that engages the audience. Overall, I think the combination of research, creativity, and visual design would make working on the infographic an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.