How did Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique impact the Women's Movement?(1 point) Responses It paved the path for her political career and her very successful term in Congress. It paved the path for her political career and her very successful term in Congress. It caused the rise of the second female rights movement, It caused the rise of the second female rights movement, It caused the rise of the first female rights movement in the 1920s. It caused the rise of the first female rights movement in the 1920s. It paved the path for the Nineteenth Amendment.

It caused the rise of the second female rights movement. The Feminine Mystique sparked a national conversation about the role of women in society and helped to galvanize the Women's Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Betty Friedan's book challenged traditional gender roles and inspired women to push for equal rights and opportunities, ultimately leading to significant advancements in women's rights and gender equality.