Rahul is working two summer jobs, making $13 per hour tutoring and making $9 per hour clearing tables. In a given week, he can work at most 14 total hours and must earn no less than $170. If Rahul worked 10 hours clearing tables, determine the minimum number of whole hours tutoring that he must work to meet his requirements.

Let x be the number of hours Rahul works tutoring.

Since he worked 10 hours clearing tables, he has 14 - 10 = 4 hours left to work.

His total earnings must be at least $170, so we have the inequality:

13x + 9(10) ≥ 170

13x + 90 ≥ 170

13x ≥ 80

x ≥ 80/13

Since x must be a whole number, the minimum number of whole hours tutoring that he must work is 7.