4 things about ontario’s geographical landscaping.

1. Ontario is home to the Canadian Shield, a large geological formation that covers much of central and eastern Canada. The Shield is characterized by rocky terrain, numerous lakes, and thick forests.

2. The province also contains the Great Lakes Basin, which includes Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan. These lakes have a significant impact on Ontario's climate, economy, and natural resources.

3. Southern Ontario is known for its fertile farmland, particularly in the regions surrounding the cities of Toronto and London. Agriculture is a major industry in the province, with crops such as corn, soybeans, and wheat being grown in abundance.

4. Ontario is home to several distinct geographic regions, including the Niagara Escarpment, a long escarpment that runs along the northern shore of Lake Ontario and is known for its dramatic cliffs and waterfalls. The province also contains the Bruce Peninsula, a narrow strip of land that juts out into Lake Huron and is known for its rugged limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters.