In November, the average temperature at the North Pole is -8.3 Fahrenheit. In December, the average temperature at the North Pole 7.7°​ Fahrenheit colder than November's average temperature. In January, the average temperature at the North Pole is 1 1/4 times colder than December's average temperature.

What is the average temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, at the North Pole in January?

To find the average temperature at the North Pole in January, we first need to calculate December's average temperature.

December's average temperature = November's average temperature - 7.7° Fahrenheit
December's average temperature = -8.3° Fahrenheit - 7.7° Fahrenheit
December's average temperature = -16.0° Fahrenheit

Now, we need to find January's average temperature, which is 1 1/4 times colder than December's average temperature.

January's average temperature = December's average temperature * 1 1/4
January's average temperature = -16.0° Fahrenheit * 1.25
January's average temperature = -20.0° Fahrenheit

Therefore, the average temperature at the North Pole in January is -20.0° Fahrenheit.