Explain what you believe is the biggest business needed in Aisa now that involves Industrialization. And why, come up with an overall idea to provide a solution.

One of the biggest business needs in Asia that involves industrialization is sustainable manufacturing. As the region continues to rapidly industrialize and urbanize, there is a growing demand for products and services that are produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner.

A solution to this need could be to establish a sustainable manufacturing company that focuses on using renewable energy sources, minimizing waste and pollution, and ensuring fair labor practices. This company could work with businesses throughout Asia to help them transition to more sustainable production methods, ultimately reducing their carbon footprint and improving their overall impact on the environment.

Additionally, this company could provide consulting services, training programs, and certification processes to help businesses meet sustainability standards and regulations. By offering comprehensive solutions and support, this sustainable manufacturing company would help drive the shift towards more environmentally conscious and socially responsible practices in the region. Ultimately, this could have a significant impact on the overall sustainability and competitiveness of Asian industries.