What factor contribute to Genghis Khan's expansion of them Mongol empire? I think it is he led a ruthless military into foreign land using powerful weapons to break down City walls

Some factors that contributed to Genghis Khan's expansion of the Mongol empire include:

1. Leadership: Genghis Khan was a skilled military leader who was able to unite the various Mongol tribes under his rule and instill discipline and unity among his troops.

2. Organization: Genghis Khan reorganized the Mongol military, creating a highly efficient and effective fighting force that was able to conquer vast territories.

3. Strategy: Genghis Khan was a brilliant strategist who carefully planned his military campaigns, using innovative tactics and adapting to different situations on the battlefield.

4. Technology: The Mongols were known for their skilled use of siege weapons, such as catapults and trebuchets, which allowed them to quickly breach city walls and conquer fortified cities.

5. Mobility: The Mongol army was highly mobile, utilizing fast cavalry units that could quickly move around the battlefield and outmaneuver their enemies.

6. Adaptability: Genghis Khan was able to adapt to new environments and challenges, incorporating new technologies and tactics into his military campaigns to ensure success.

Overall, Genghis Khan's expansion of the Mongol empire was a result of his military prowess, leadership skills, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield.