Write a laboratory report about

1. Debeaking

Title: The Effects of Debeaking on Egg Production in Hens

Debeaking, also known as beak trimming, is a common practice in the poultry industry where a portion of the beak is removed from chickens and other birds. This procedure is typically done to prevent pecking and cannibalism in crowded conditions, reduce feed wastage, and minimize injuries. However, there is ongoing debate about the welfare implications of debeaking on chickens. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of debeaking on egg production in hens.

Materials and Methods:
We conducted an experiment with two groups of hens: a control group (with intact beaks) and a treatment group (with debeaked beaks). Each group consisted of 20 hens of the same age and breed. The hens were housed in individual cages and provided with the same feed and water.

We monitored the egg production of each hen over a period of 6 weeks. We recorded the number of eggs laid by each hen daily and calculated the average egg production for each group. We also measured the weight of the eggs and analyzed the data using statistical methods to determine if there were any significant differences between the control and treatment groups.

Our results showed that hens in the control group laid an average of 5 eggs per week, while hens in the treatment group laid an average of 4 eggs per week. This difference in egg production was statistically significant (p<0.05). Additionally, the weight of the eggs laid by hens in the treatment group was slightly lower than those laid by hens in the control group, although this difference was not statistically significant.

Our study suggests that debeaking hens can have a negative impact on egg production. Hens with debeaked beaks laid fewer eggs compared to hens with intact beaks. This may be due to the stress and discomfort caused by the debeaking procedure, which can affect the overall health and productivity of the hens. Further research is needed to better understand the long-term effects of debeaking on egg production and welfare of hens.