2It is difficult to overstate just how popular YouTube currently is. There are 2.1 billion monthly active users all over the world. Unlike TikTok, which has a mostly young user base, suggesting young people prefer entertainment over educational content, YouTube appeals to people of all ages. In fact, the majority of internet users in the U.S., whether they are 15 or over the age of 56, use YouTube. In some places outside of the U.S., the internet can, of course, be more difficult to access.3Think of video sharing platforms like candy stores. While some offer just a few flavors, YouTube has a treat to satisfy absolutely any taste or craving. Want to get help with a difficult math concept? You’ll likely have no trouble at all finding a tutorial. Looking for some entertainment? There are videos featuring pranks, fictional characters, and hilarious cats. Videos can be up to twelve hours long, while a YouTube short is, like most TikTok videos, less than a minute. The amount of content on YouTube is also constantly increasing. A 2020 estimate stated that 500 hours of content were being uploaded every single minute!4Some young people who may have once said they wanted to be movie stars or professional sports players now aspire to be YouTubers. Those who can get enough views and subscribers on YouTube can indeed make money—serious money. In 2021, YouTuber Mr. Beast earned a staggering $54 million in gross revenue, making him the highest earning YouTube creator in history. It is hard not to feel a vague sense of injustice when there are so many doctors, nurses, firefighters, and police officers who will never come close to earning even a fraction of this amount. With that being said, the YouTube millionaire Mr. Beast is admittedly an inspiration to many. Stories like his show young people that with enough creativity, perseverance, and hard work, anyone with a camera and a YouTube account can make their dreams come true.Multiple Choice QuestionRead this sentence from paragraph 3 of “YouTube.”Videos can be up to twelve hours long, while a YouTube short is, like most TikTok videos, less than a minute.How does the sentence mainly develop the central idea of the paragraph?  A. It highlights the differences among various categories of YouTube videos.B. It suggests that some YouTube videos are too long to be enjoyable.C. It draws a connection between YouTube videos and TikTok videos.D. It shows that YouTube offers a great deal of choice in terms of length.

D. It shows that YouTube offers a great deal of choice in terms of length.