turn "Should schools implement a later start time for students?" into an MLA formatted essay

Title: Implementing a Later Start Time for Students in Schools

In today's fast-paced society, students are facing increasing amounts of academic and social pressures, leading to a growing concern about their health and well-being. One proposed solution to address this issue is to implement a later start time for students in schools. This essay will discuss the potential benefits of such a change and why it is important for schools to consider making this adjustment.

One of the main reasons why schools should implement a later start time for students is to improve their overall health and well-being. Research has shown that adolescents have a natural tendency to stay up late and struggle to wake up early in the morning due to their changing sleep patterns. By starting school later, students would have the opportunity to get more restful sleep, which is essential for their physical and mental development. This change could lead to improved academic performance, fewer behavioral problems, and better overall health for students.

Furthermore, implementing a later start time could also help to reduce the rate of absenteeism and tardiness among students. Many students struggle to get to school on time in the morning due to a variety of reasons, such as long commutes, family responsibilities, or simply feeling too tired to get out of bed. By giving students extra time in the morning to prepare for school, they would be more likely to arrive on time and be ready to learn. This could contribute to a more positive and productive learning environment for everyone involved.

In addition, a later start time could also benefit teachers and school staff by allowing them to have more time for planning and preparation before the school day begins. With a later start time, teachers would have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues, grade assignments, and set up their classrooms without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. This could lead to a more organized and effective educational experience for students, as well as a more positive work environment for teachers and staff.

In conclusion, implementing a later start time for students in schools could have a positive impact on their health, academic performance, and overall well-being. By giving students more time to rest, reducing absenteeism and tardiness, and providing teachers with additional time for preparation, schools could create a more supportive and effective learning environment for everyone involved. It is important for schools to consider making this adjustment in order to prioritize the health and success of their students. Implementing a later start time is a simple yet effective way to promote the well-being of students and ensure that they have the opportunity to thrive academically and personally.

Works Cited
Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Essay." Title of the Publication, vol. #, no. #, Year, pp. #-#.