You are offered a job that pays ​$30 comma 000 during the first​ year, with an annual increase of 6​% per year beginning in the second year. That​ is, beginning in year​ 2, your salary will be 1.06 times what it was in the previous year. What can you expect to earn in your fourth year on the​ job? Round your answer to the nearest dollar.

To calculate your salary for each year, you can use the formula:

Salary = Initial Salary * (1 + Annual Increase)^n

- Initial Salary = $30,000
- Annual Increase = 6% or 0.06
- n = number of years

For the fourth year, n = 4:

Salary = $30,000 * (1 + 0.06)^4
Salary = $30,000 * (1.06)^4
Salary = $30,000 * 1.26248
Salary ≈ $37,874

Therefore, you can expect to earn approximately $37,874 in your fourth year on the job.