Analyze how governments after 1450 used laws, policies, and processes to affect labor systems. (1 point)


Governmental systems used laws, policies, and other systems of enforcement to control labor systems and those who participated in them. These included anti-slavery laws in the 1500s and the use of federal troops to quash strikes in the 1800s.
Governmental systems used laws, policies, and other systems of enforcement to control labor systems and those who participated in them. These included anti-slavery laws in the 1500s and the use of federal troops to quash strikes in the 1800s.

Governmental systems used laws, policies, and other systems of enforcement to loosen control on labor systems and those who participated in them. These included pro-slavery laws in the 1700s and the use of federal troops to quash strikes in the 1800s.
Governmental systems used laws, policies, and other systems of enforcement to loosen control on labor systems and those who participated in them. These included pro-slavery laws in the 1700s and the use of federal troops to quash strikes in the 1800s.

Governmental systems used laws, policies, and other systems of enforcement to control labor systems and those who participated in them. These included pro-slavery laws in the 1700s and the use of federal troops to quash strikes in the 1800s.
Governmental systems used laws, policies, and other systems of enforcement to control labor systems and those who participated in them. These included pro-slavery laws in the 1700s and the use of federal troops to quash strikes in the 1800s.

Governmental systems used laws, policies, and other systems of enforcement to control labor systems and those who participated in them. These included pro-slavery laws in the 1700s and the use of federal troops to encourage strikes in the 1800s.

Governmental systems utilized laws, policies, and processes to manipulate labor systems in various ways. For example, anti-slavery laws enacted in the 1500s aimed to abolish the enslavement of individuals for labor. However, in contrast, pro-slavery laws in the 1700s allowed for the continuation of forced labor practices. Additionally, governments employed federal troops to suppress strikes by laborers in the 1800s, indicating a means of controlling and maintaining order within the labor force. Overall, governments played a significant role in shaping labor systems through the implementation of regulations and enforcement mechanisms.