explain how views in europe changed during the scientific revolution

During the Scientific Revolution, there was a significant shift in the way people in Europe viewed the world and their place in it. Prior to this period, much of European society was heavily influenced by religious beliefs and superstitions. However, as new scientific discoveries and advancements were made, people began to rely more on empirical evidence and reason to understand the natural world.

One of the key changes in views during the Scientific Revolution was the acceptance of the heliocentric model of the universe, proposed by astronomers such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei. This challenged the previously held belief that the Earth was the center of the universe and brought about a new understanding of the cosmos.

Additionally, advancements in areas such as anatomy, chemistry, and physics led to a greater emphasis on the importance of experimentation and observation in the scientific process. This shift in thinking laid the foundation for modern scientific inquiry and helped to challenge traditional beliefs and superstitions.

Overall, the Scientific Revolution brought about a new way of viewing the world, one that was based on reason, observation, and experimentation rather than relying solely on religious authority. This change in perspective laid the groundwork for the Enlightenment and the eventual rise of modern science.