Which of the following systems of government would be best equipped to lower the amount of corruption within the governments of Kenya and Nigeria?

A.Presidential democracy: The separation of the legislative and executive branches allows for more checks and balances to keep the president’s power in check.

B.Constitutional monarchy; By limiting the monarch’s power through the means of a constitution, the head-of-state’s power is kept in check by the legislative branch.

C.Parliamentary democracy; The combination of the legislative and executive branches allows for more checks and balances to keep the president’s power in check.

D.Theocratic republic; By instituting a theocratic republic religious leaders can use their influence to eliminate government corruption as religious principles will influence their decisions.

A. Presidential democracy: The separation of powers in a presidential democracy allows for more checks and balances to prevent corruption in the government. This system helps distribute power among different branches of government, reducing the chances of one individual or group becoming too powerful and engaging in corrupt activities. Additionally, holding elections for the executive branch allows citizens to hold their leaders accountable and vote out corrupt officials. Therefore, a presidential democracy would be best equipped to lower the amount of corruption in the governments of Kenya and Nigeria.