Examples of how good and bad outcomes are linked

1. Good outcome: Proper diet and regular exercise lead to improved physical health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and increased energy levels.

Bad outcome: Unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity can result in weight gain, high blood pressure, and increased risk of developing heart disease or diabetes.

2. Good outcome: Regular communication and compromise in a relationship can lead to stronger bonds, trust, and harmony between partners.

Bad outcome: Lack of communication and frequent disagreements can result in misunderstandings, conflicts, and eventual break-up of the relationship.

3. Good outcome: Thorough preparation and hard work before a test can lead to good grades and academic success.

Bad outcome: Procrastination and lack of effort can result in poor grades, missed opportunities, and frustration.

4. Good outcome: Responsible financial planning, saving, and investing can lead to financial stability and security for the future.

Bad outcome: Overspending, accumulating debt, and not saving for emergencies can result in financial difficulties, stress, and potential bankruptcy.