How can a student practice reflective listening in a group discussion

1. Pay attention and actively listen to what others are saying without interrupting.

2. Show empathy by acknowledging the speaker's feelings and perspectives.
3. Reflect back on what the speaker has said by summarizing their points and paraphrasing their words.
4. Ask clarifying questions to ensure understanding and show genuine interest in their thoughts.
5. Avoid judgment or giving advice, simply focus on understanding and empathizing with the speaker.
6. Maintain eye contact and positive body language to show engagement and respect.
7. Practice self-control and avoid distractions to fully engage in the conversation.
8. Use reflective statements such as "It sounds like you're saying..." or "I understand that you feel..." to demonstrate active listening.
9. Encourage others to share their thoughts and feelings by creating a safe and supportive environment for open communication.
10. Reflect on your own responses and behaviors during the discussion to improve your listening skills and develop a deeper understanding of others' perspectives.