New GRAPH to fill in all the 10 points. Add your data points and using a ruler, draw a line of best fit through your scatter plot.

Part 3: Drawing Conclusions (use 2 complete sentences for each of the questions)

How did you decide where to place your line of best fit? Describe your reasoning.

Based on your data, describe the relationship between age and the number of U.S. states a person can name in 60 seconds.

Do you see any areas in your data or points that could be considered clusters or outliers? Explain your answer in complete sentences.

I placed the line of best fit by examining the general trend of the data points and determining the most accurate representation of the relationship between age and the number of U.S. states named. I used a ruler to ensure the line was as close as possible to the majority of the data points while minimizing the distance between the points and the line.

From the data, it appears that there is a negative correlation between age and the number of U.S. states a person can name in 60 seconds. This suggests that younger individuals tend to be able to name more states compared to older individuals within the given time frame.

There are a few clusters in the data, particularly around younger ages where individuals could name a higher number of states in 60 seconds. There may also be outliers where individuals of a certain age may demonstrate an unusually high or low ability to name U.S. states quickly. These points should be examined further to determine if they are valid data points or anomalies.