Reactance theory

Reactance theory is a psychological theory that suggests individuals have a "freedom of choice" and when that freedom is threatened or taken away, they may react with a heightened motivation to regain that freedom. This reactance can manifest as increased resistance, opposition, or even defiance towards the perceived threat to their freedom.

The theory suggests that when individuals feel their freedom is being restricted or threatened, they may feel a strong urge to assert their independence and restore their sense of control. This can lead to behaviors such as resistance to authority, defiance of rules, and a desire to regain autonomy.

Reactance theory has been used to explain various phenomena in psychology, such as resistance to persuasion, rebellion against restrictions, and nonconformity in social situations. It can be a useful tool in understanding how individuals respond to situations where their freedom is at stake and how they may strive to assert their autonomy in the face of perceived threats.