what have Electronics allowed us to do in the 21st century

Electronics have allowed us to do a multitude of things in the 21st century, such as:

1. Communication: Electronics have revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. We can now easily stay in touch with friends and family through various platforms like social media, email, and messaging apps.

2. Information access: With the help of electronics, we have instant access to information from around the world. The internet has made it possible to search for any information we need within seconds.

3. Entertainment: Electronics have brought entertainment right to our fingertips. We can stream movies, shows, music, and games on various devices like smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.

4. Work and productivity: Electronics have made it easier for us to work remotely and be productive from anywhere. With tools like laptops, smartphones, and cloud storage, we can stay connected and get work done even outside of the office.

5. Education: Electronics have transformed the field of education, making learning more accessible and engaging. Online courses, e-books, and educational apps have made it possible for people to learn new skills and knowledge at their own pace.

6. Healthcare: Electronics have improved healthcare by enabling advanced medical equipment, telemedicine, and health monitoring devices. This has made it easier for individuals to track and manage their health more effectively.

7. Transportation: Electronics have also had a significant impact on transportation, with advancements in electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and transportation apps making travel safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.