How to get spam emails

There are several ways to get spam emails:

1. Signing up for online newsletters, websites, or promotions without reading the terms and conditions. Some companies sell or share email lists with other businesses, leading to an increase in spam emails.

2. Providing your email address on untrusted websites or online forums. Spammers often use web scraping tools to collect email addresses from public websites.

3. Falling for phishing scams or clicking on suspicious links in emails. This can lead to your email address being harvested by scammers and added to spam lists.

4. Using your email address to register for online services that do not have good privacy policies. Some apps and websites may sell your email address to third-party advertisers.

5. Having weak email security measures in place, such as using easy-to-guess passwords or not using spam filters. This can make it easier for spammers to send you unwanted emails.

To reduce spam emails, make sure to be cautious when sharing your email address online and unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters or promotions. You can also use spam filters and report suspicious emails to your email provider.