Describe three ways humans rely on aquatic ecosystems and three ways aquatic ecosystems can be negatively impacted by humans.

Three ways humans rely on aquatic ecosystems are:

1. Source of food: Aquatic ecosystems provide a valuable source of food for humans, with many people relying on fish and other seafood as a primary source of protein in their diets.

2. Recreation: Aquatic ecosystems also provide opportunities for recreation and leisure activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing, which contribute to the physical and mental well-being of individuals.

3. Economic benefits: Aquatic ecosystems support a wide range of industries, including tourism, fisheries, and aquaculture, which provide employment and income for many people worldwide.

Three ways aquatic ecosystems can be negatively impacted by humans are:

1. Pollution: Human activities such as industrial discharge, agriculture runoff, and improper waste disposal can introduce pollutants into aquatic ecosystems, leading to water contamination and harming aquatic life.

2. Habitat destruction: Development and land use changes can result in the destruction of critical aquatic habitats such as wetlands and mangroves, reducing the overall health and biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems.

3. Overfishing: Unsustainable fishing practices, including overfishing and bycatch, can deplete fish populations and disrupt food webs in aquatic ecosystems, leading to declines in biodiversity and ecosystem health.