why do younger people want to seem cool or be friends with older people

There are several reasons why younger people may want to seem cool or be friends with older people:

1. Experience and wisdom: Older people are often seen as having more life experience and wisdom, which can be appealing to younger individuals who are looking for guidance and advice.

2. Social status: Being friends with older, more established individuals can increase a person's social status and make them seem more mature or sophisticated.

3. Mentoring opportunities: Younger individuals may see older people as potential mentors or role models, and forming a relationship with them can provide valuable learning and growth opportunities.

4. Networking: Older individuals often have more connections and resources, which can be beneficial for a younger person looking to expand their professional or social networks.

5. Validation: Being accepted or admired by older individuals can provide a sense of validation and approval, boosting a person's self-esteem and confidence.

Overall, the desire to seem cool or be friends with older people can stem from a variety of factors, including the desire for guidance, social status, networking opportunities, and validation.