What was the Industrial Revolution? (1 point)

• A factory that industrialized how they made wool products.
• Along process that changed the way goods were produced and how people worked and lived.
• It was the readiness of people to purchase goods at a higher cost.
• A process that made it more difficult to mass produce goods and ship them worldwide

• A long process that changed the way goods were produced and how people worked and lived.


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Which of the following best describes the image above?
(1 point)
• The image illustrates a fugitive who escaped from the North.
• The image illustrates a lost child poster for a child who ran away from home
• The image illustrates the Slave Codes passed in the South to prevent slaves from running away or rebelling.
• The image illustrates a job advertisement for factory workers.

• The image illustrates a lost child poster for a child who ran away from home.


FROM THE SUBSCRIBER. My Malatte boy, GEORGE. Said George is 5 feet 8 inches in height, brown curly hair, dark coat. I will give $600 for him alive, and the same sum for satisfactory proof that he has been killed

Which of the following best describes the image above?
(1 point)
• The image illustrates a fugitive who escaped from the North.
• The image illustrates a lost child poster for a child who ran away from home
• The image illustrates the Slave Codes passed in the South to prevent slaves from running away or rebelling.
• The image illustrates a job advertisement for factory workers.

• The image illustrates the Slave Codes passed in the South to prevent slaves from running away or rebelling.

"A planter was someone who owned at least 20 enslaved workers. In 1860, only one white southerner in 30 belonged to a planter family. An even smaller number—less than 1 percent-owned 50 or more enslaved workers"

Based on that passage, evaluate the following statement: A majority of southern whites owned large amounts of slaves.
(1 point)
• True
• False


Many Northern businesses depended on slavery in the South. Why was that? (1 point)

• Many businesses/factories in the North relied heavily on resources from the South
• The South supplied the North with slaves if they needed them.
• The North needed Southern workers to help in their factories.
• The "Cottonocracy" was an idea started by Northern politicians.

• Many businesses/factories in the North relied heavily on resources from the South

Which of the following options best describes why Frederick Douglass was an important reformer in the 19th century?

(1 point)
• Douglass spurred education reform during the 19th century.
Douglass shared firsthand accounts of slavery that inspired many to become abolitionists and seek the end of slavery in the U.S.
• Douglass was a writer and used his pen to help labor reform.
• Douglass was a powerful orator and used his skills to help the Temperance movement.