4 cm height 8 cm length 5 cm width

What is the surface area of the figure above? Georgia Milestones Grade 7 Mathematics Formula Sheet (1 point) Responses 52 centimeters squared 52 centimeters squared 192 centimeters squared 192 centimeters squared 160 centimeters squared 160 centimeters squared 184 centimeters squared

To find the surface area of the figure with dimensions 4 cm height, 8 cm length, and 5 cm width, we need to calculate the total surface area of all its faces.

The formula for the total surface area of a rectangular prism is:
Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

Substitute the given dimensions:
Surface Area = 2(8)(5) + 2(8)(4) + 2(5)(4)
Surface Area = 80 + 64 + 40
Surface Area = 184 cm²

Therefore, the correct answer is 184 centimeters squared.