Strengths of unitary…

1. Unity and uniformity: Unitary systems typically have a centralized government structure with power concentrated at the national level. This can lead to more consistent and coordinated decision-making across the country.

2. Efficiency: With power concentrated at the national level, unitary systems can be more efficient in implementing policies and programs. There is less duplication of efforts and resources compared to federal systems.

3. Clear accountability: In unitary systems, the central government is directly responsible for governing the entire country. This can lead to clearer lines of accountability and authority, making it easier to hold government officials accountable for their actions.

4. Greater stability: Unitary systems can be more stable compared to federal systems, as power is less likely to be fragmented among different levels of government. This can help prevent conflicts and promote social cohesion.

5. Flexibility: Unitary systems have the ability to adapt and respond quickly to new challenges and changing circumstances. The centralized government can enact policies and make decisions more swiftly compared to federal systems, which may require multiple levels of government to agree on a course of action.