multiply (7x^2-6x+5)(4x^2+6x-3) then simplify

First, we can use the distributive property to multiply each term in the first polynomial by each term in the second polynomial:

(7x^2) * (4x^2) + (7x^2) * (6x) + (7x^2) * (-3) + (-6x) * (4x^2) + (-6x) * (6x) + (-6x) * (-3) + (5) * (4x^2) + (5) * (6x) + (5) * (-3)

Now we can simplify each of these products:

28x^4 + 42x^3 - 21x^2 - 24x^3 - 36x^2 + 18x + 20x^2 + 30x - 15

Combining like terms, we have:

28x^4 + 18x^3 - 7x^2 + 48x - 15

So, the simplified result of multiplying (7x^2-6x+5) and (4x^2+6x-3) is 28x^4 + 18x^3 - 7x^2 + 48x - 15.